Category Archives: sides

Monday, March 19, 2012

Beet Pickled Eggs

I nearly cried over these eggs, the smell alone actually made me very emotional.  Why?  Well yes they are super good, but I was overcome with emotion due to the warm, loving memories these eggs brought rushing back.  So I was nineteen years old the last time I ate one of these eggs.  It was with my beloved Gramie, whom I speak of often here on this blog.  She made these ALL the time for me growing up.  So the last time I ate one of these gorgeous, perhaps unconventional eggs, was fifteen years ago in my Gramie’s kitchen where we sat and salted these delicious pickled purples, laughing about something I’m sure (she was a born prankster, had a killer sense of humor – very early on I was exposed to the likes of George Burns, Groucho Marks, Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Milton Berle, etc.), hence my current love of comedy.  I digress… 
I didn’t have Gramie’s recipe here for these eggs, however, I’m elated over my attempt – pretty spot on.  Oh these eggs.  It’s hard to describe the flavor, I think they are simply delicious.  They are so easy to make.  Fun for a spring celebration.  If you’re feeling adventurous, I encourage you to try.  You won’t be disappointed…and Gramie will smile knowing people are making her famous purple eggs!  

-6 peeled hard boiled eggs (or more, I would say up to 12, and pickle a tad longer)
-4 medium red beets, peeled and cut (use raw, not cooked)
-2 cups raw apple cider vinegar
-2 cups filtered water
-1/2 teaspoon salt
How To:
1.  Combine all the ingredients in a glass bowl
2.  Cover and pickle in fridge for 36-48 hours
3.  The longer these pickle the deeper the color penetrates the egg
4.  When ready to eat, simply slice open and serve with a touch of salt or make them into deviled eggs

*Don’t throw out those gorgeous pickled beets either, add them to a salad as is, or try roasting or a saute.  
I made deviled eggs with my pretty purple huevos.
They were outrageous!
Shared on: Just Another Meatless Monday, Melt in your Mouth Mondays, Monday Mania, Ruth’s Real Food 101 (Mondays), Cowgirl up Mondays, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Traditional Tuesdays, Fat Tuesdays Real Food Wednesdays, Whole Food Wednesdays, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Full Plate Thursday, Pennywise Platter Thursdays, Freaky Friday, Fresh Bites Fridays, Lunch Box Love Fridays, Fight Back Friday, Friday Food, Superfood Sunday
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Labels: ACD, appetizer, SCD, sides.


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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Roasted Beets, Cabbage and Green Apples (a SCD friendly recipe)

I am a big fan of roastinganything.  I love to roast like some love to bake.  Peeling and chopping is oddly soothing to me.  And much like your seasoned baker, I find great satisfaction upon seeing the final product.  The transformation is more about the flavor than the look really, but what a grand transformation it is.  Have you ever tried a roasted beet?  It’s a beautiful thing, and not just the color I’m talking about here, oh that flavor.  And cabbage?  Delicious!  This dish was inspired by Valentine’s Day.  I call this an “any-time” dish.  I ate it for lunch, as a main dish, and a side dish and yes, a few eggs made this a great breakfast.  What a fun and healthy way to get a splash of vibrant red on the ever popular lovers Holiday (oh, and be sure to wear a nice big apron to cover your pretty clothes – beets are wonderful but so unforgiving).

- 1 lb red beets, chopped (about 5)
- 11 oz green cabbage, sliced  (3/4 of small head of cabbage)
- 3 1/2 lbs of Granny Smith apples, chopped (3 extra large)
- 3 tablespoons oil (I use grapeseed)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon garlic granules

How To
Preheat oven to 375
1.  Add beets, cabbage, apples, salt, oil and garlic granules to roasting pan of choice (I use a 4 QT glass Pyrex).
2.  Mix well
3.  Roast for 35 minutes 
4.  Mix and serve 
  Ready for the oven.  
Just love that beautiful color
Shared on: Just Another Meatless MondayMelt in your Mouth Mondays, Monday Mania, Ruth’s Real Food 101 (Mondays), Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays Traditional TuesdaysFat Tuesdays, Real Food WednesdaysGluten-Free WednesdaysAllergy Free WednesdaysWhole Food WednesdaysPennywise PlatterMiz Helen’s Country Cottage Lunch Box Love FridaysWellness WeekendAllergy-Friendly FridayFreaky Friday,  & Fresh Bites Fridays
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Labels: ACD, dairy free, gluten free, main dish, SCD, sides, vegetarian.


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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Flavorful Grain Free Quinoa Stuffing

I’ve been struggling with how to make a quinoa stuffing that doesn’t taste like a quinoa summer salad.  Then I came across a secret ingredient that saved the day: poultry seasoning.  This created a dish that has a real authentic taste to it, without all the traditional gluten/grain type hassle.  

And a quick word about quinoa.  I’ve been cooking it for years, and just the other day I found this website that rocked my world.  I’ve been wasting valuable time and energy trying to get a fluffy quinoa (I do the presoak but alas wasn’t using the correct water to quinoa ratio).  Finally, mystery solved! Just FYI: it’s 1 1/4 cups liquid to 1 cup quinoa.  So simple! 
4 cups cooked quinoa (to your texture preference, see above notes).  
1 medium onion, small chop
1 cup walnuts, chopped 
1 medium apple, peeled and small chop
2 celery sticks, chopped
1 cup dried cranberries (unsweetened or sweetened with fruit juice and always sulfur dioxide free)
2 cups mushrooms, small chop (optional, not shown in recipe above)
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning 
Few turns of the pepper grinder 
Oil of choice 

How To
1.  Coat bottom of pot with oil.  Add onions & salt.  Saute on med/low for 5 minutes.
2.  Add celery & walnuts, stir and cook for 2 minutes.
3.  Add apple, thyme, pepper, & poultry seasoning.  Stir and cook for 2 minutes.
4. Turn off heat and add in the 4 cups of quinoa along with the cranberries.  Mix together quinoa, saute mixture, and cranberries. 

*This was excellent the next morning with eggs as a breakfast scramble!
Shared on: Gluten-Free Holiday week 4 @ Daily Bites, Traditional Tuesdays, Wellness Weekend,  Monday Mania, Real Food 101, Meatless Monday, Just Another Meatless Monday, The Prairie Homestead, Melt in your mouth Monday, Mangia Mondays
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Labels: ACD, dairy free, gluten free, grain free, sides, vegan.


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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Raw Pasta Two Ways (with two delicious raw sauces)

 “The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live.”

“The way you cut your veggies reflects the way you live.” 
– Me, earlier today

I love vegetables, but like most things I get b.o.r.e.d very easily.  So cutting veggies up like pasta is nothing new friends, but what I have dressed them with today, well, hello gorgeous (yes you) and what I am tasting in my mouth.  I’m eating the “pasta” pictured in the top right as we speak. I often eat and blog at the same time.  That’s why my keyboard looks like a barnacle (so gross).  

I’ve been making pesto for years and this is my favorite recipe but I find it gets a bit washed out on pasta, so I added one simple ingredient and bam – love! 
The perfect raw pesto.  I adore pesto in any form.  It brings back lovely memories of my beloved Gramie (who was a die-hard cook).  Growing up I spent the summers with my Grandparents (and lived with them for many years).  Gramie often made fresh pesto and I vividly remember her explaining what it was and how to make it with nothing less than grand enthusiasm over the entire process from leaves to paste. Of course I thought it was awesome, and she allowed me to do the best part of the jobdrizzling in the oil.  Magic.  If my Gramie was alive today I know she would LOVE my heart-healthy version.  This one’s for you Gramie! 
Sauce #1: the perfect raw pesto
-1 large beautiful organic avocado

How To:
1.  Make pesto recipe as specified above and add in the avocado (cut into chunks and blend in food processor with other ingredients)
2.  The avocado gives it just the right “something” that creates a creamy, substantial sauce 
3.  Toss sauce with raw zucchini & carrot “pasta” made with this tool.  You may need to drizzle in some oil to help incorporate the sauce with “pasta”  

*This sauce also works great with cooked gluten-free pasta (this is how I tested it originally

*Pesto is best served at room temperature (in my opinion)
*I use this gadget to get the zucchini to look like pasta noodles.

*Or this awesome julienne peeler works great too for both the carrots or zucchini.
Sauce #2: Fabulous Fig Balsamic Dressing.  This is a sweet/savory sauce from one of my favorite restaurants on the planet, Cafe Gratitude.
The first time I ate at Cafe Gratitude I fell in love; I was smitten like a lovesick teenager, seriously!  Check out their website and I dare you to not feel warm, fuzzy, loved, and excited about their philosophy and their food – my goddess the food!  I’m sure I scared the poor man sitting next to me as I moaned, groaned, and talked to myself through the entire meal (who does that? oh, crazy people like me – okay, I was having a foodgasm if you must know).  I was still chewing my first bite when I spotted their cookbook, ran to it, grabbed it, and proceeded to hold onto it (while I ate) like a miserly mouse clenching the last piece of cheese.  So if you are headed to San Francisco for a visit, call me and I will meet you there and we can be crazy about this place together!  

The fig sauce is located on page 45.  It’s fantastic.  I adapted it slightly with what I had on hand, so the original recipe is different.  My adaption is below. 

Sauce #2: Fabulous Fig Balsamic Dressing
-7 black mission figs, quartered
-2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 
-1/4 teaspoon salt
-Juice from 1/2 a lemon
-A few turns of the pepper grinder 
-Oil of choice

How To:
1.  Add figs, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and lemon to food processor, blend until Incorporated

2.  Drizzle in oil until creamy 

Shared on: Wellness Weekend over at Diet, Dessert and Dogs, Real Food 101, Fat Tuesdays, Friday Foodie Fix, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Raw Foods Thursday, 
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Labels: dairy free, gluten free, raw, sauces, sides, soy free, vegan.


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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Smashed Sweet Potatoes with Cauliflower

Smashed Sweet Potatoes with Cauliflower 
(this is really nice substitute for those of you who don’t want white potatoes at your meal; the cauliflower adds a nice texture and balances out the sweetness of the sweet potatoes – and best part, no boiling required!)

3 large sweet potatoes, chopped
1 head of cauliflower, separated 
Oil of choice
Garlic granules (or 4 cloves fresh garlic)

How To
*Add sweet potatoes and cauliflower to your favorite roasting dish
*Drizzle with oil 
*Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons garlic granules (or smash the fresh garlic cloves and add in)
*Toss ingredients with oil and garlic 
*Roast at 400 degrees for 40 minutes
*Keep ingredients in roasting pan and use a potato masher to smash ingredients together.  Add another drizzle of oil for some additional moisture
*Add 1/4 teaspoon salt 
*Smash everything together well 
*Top with a little cinnamon (optional)
*Serves 4-5

Shared on: A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 2 – Thanksgiving Favorites & Traditional Tuesday

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Labels: sides, thanksgiving side dishes.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

20-Minute Cane-Sugar Free Cranberry Sauce

20-Minute Cane-Sugar Free Cranberry Sauce
(my kids ate this up like candy!)

-16 ounces fresh cranberries (about 5 cups) 
-1 1/2 cups filtered water (or 1 cup water and 1/2 cup orange juice)
-1/2 cup (3 ounces) Medjool dates, seeded and diced
-3/4 cup sweet red apple, peeled and very small chop
-One large, juicy orange 
-1/4 teaspoon cinnamon  
-1/4 cup honey (vegans use maple syrup, coconut nectar or coconut sugar and adjust to your sweet preference) 
-1/4 teaspoon liquid stevia (SCDers use additional 3 tablespoons honey)
How To: 
1.  In medium sauce pan bring cranberries and water (or water/juice) to a boil, stir and turn down to a rapid simmer (for about 5 minutes)
2.  Add apple, dates, honey, and stir to incorporate, and gentle simmer for about 10 minutes 
3.  Add juice of 1 orange, stevia, and cinnamon, and very gently simmer for an additional 5 minutes
4.  Turn off heat and let cool on the stove top in the pan, uncovered  
5.  When cool, transfer to fridge until ready to serve
6.  Top with orange zest
Serves 6 – 8 (depending on serving size)

Shared on: A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 2 – Thanksgiving Favorites, A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 4 – Favorite Entrees and Sides, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Traditional Tuesday 
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Grain Free Socca Bread

When I saw this socca bread recipe in Living Without magazine, I knew I had to try it. I love the simplicity of this recipe. I was very pleased with how it turned out, which is why I shared it here on the blog (I usually don’t share recipes from books or magazines).  If you like the flavor of garbanzo bean flour, you’ll dig this recipe.  It’s definitely something fun and different.
Grain Free Socca Bread
Serves: 6 - 8
  • 1½ cups garbanzo bean flour
  • 1½ cups filtered water
  • 2½ tablespoons oil (walnut or olive)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary (you must use fresh!)
  • ¾ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon minced dried onion (I used onion powder)
  1. Whisk together chickpea flour, water, 2 tablespoons oil, rosemary, salt, pepper, onion (minced or powder). Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. This gives the batter a chance to thicken up a bit
  2. Coat a large round nonstick skillet with oil and heat over med until hot (add oil to pan after removing the socca and get it nice and hot for the next one)
  3. Pour ½ cup batter into pan and swirl around a bit (sort of like a crepe). use heat-safe spatula to loosen sides
  4. Cook socca until crispy on one side, flip and brown on the other side
The recipe shared on: A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 2 – Thanksgiving Favorites, Traditional Tuesday, and Wellness Weekend, Whole Food Wednesday 
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Labels: allergy-friendly, grain free, sides, vegan.


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Roots and Fruits (Roasted Parsnips, Apples, Pears and Walnuts)

This side dish is a really nice alternative to traditional white potatoes.

-5 medium parsnips, peeled and chopped
-1 small red onion, chopped
-2 pears, peeled and chopped
-1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and chopped
-1 1/2 cups walnuts
-Oil (of choice)
-2 tablespoons garlic granules (salt is optional, I personally don’t use it when I roast) 

How To:
1.  Add parsnips, onion, pears, & apple to favorite baking dish and drizzle with oil.  Add 2 tablespoons garlic granules
2.  Roast at 400 degrees for about 35-40 minutes (check at 35)
3.  Lightly toast walnuts in saute pan on the stove top.
4.  Add walnuts to roasted roots and fruits 
5.  Mix together
6.  Add salt if desired, I omit.  
Serves 4-5

Shared on: A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 2 – Thanksgiving Favorites (2011), Whole Foods Friday, 
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5 Super Easy and Super Tasty Side Dish Ideas For Your Thanksgiving Feast (dairy free, gluten free, white potato free, cane-sugar free, vegan)

Turkey is great, but a side dish can be the star of the Thanksgiving show!  I love to see what people have lined up at their Thanksgiving mealyou know the turkey is going to be there, no big surprise, but let me loose on the buffet table so I can check out how the sweet potatoes are dressed, what’s going to shine in the cranberry sauce, what’s that awesome looking bread?  Creating alternatives to traditional Thanksgiving cuisine is super easy.  Check out my 5 very easy side dishes.  There are endless possibilities for your meal, but my motto is to keep it easy, keep it fun and keep it super tasty!
Roots and Fruits
(Roasted Parsnips, Apples, Pears and Walnuts)

5 medium parsnips, peeled and chopped
1 small red onion, chopped
2 pears, peeled and chopped
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and chopped
1 1/2 cups of  walnuts
Oil (of choice)
Garlic granules 

How To
*Add parsnips, onion, pears, & apple to favorite baking dish
*Drizzle with oil
*Add 2 tablespoons garlic granules
*Roast at 400 degrees for about 35-40 minutes (check at 35)
*Lightly toast walnuts in saute pan
*Add to roasted roots and fruits 
*Mix together
*Add salt if desired, I omit.  
*Serves 4-5
Socca Bread 
Gluten free, Grain free, Sugar free, Vegan, ACD, Xanthan gum free, Yeast free, Egg free….absolutely AMAZING flatbread!!!
(recipe from December/January issue of Living Without Magazine, pg.41)
1 1/2 cups chickpea flour (garbonzo bean flour)
1 1/2 cups filtered water
2 1/2 tablespoons oil (I used grapeseed)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary (you must use fresh!
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 tablespoon minced dried onion (I used onion powder)

How To
*Whisk together chickpea flour, water, 2 tablespoons oil, rosemary, salt, pepper, onion (minced or powder).  Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.  This gives the batter a chance to thicken up a bit
*Coat a large round nonstick skillet with oil and heat over med until hot (add oil to pan after removing the socca and get it nice and hot for the next one)
*Pour 1/2 cup batter into pan and swirl around a bit (sort of like a crepe).  use heat-safe spatula to loosen sides
*Cook socca until crispy on one side, flip and brown on the other side
*Serves 4-5
Smashed Sweet Potatoes and Cauliflower 
(this is really nice substitute for those of you who don’t want white potatoes at your meal; the cauliflower adds a nice texture and balances out the sweetness of the sweet potatoes – and best part, no boiling required!)

3 large sweet potatoes, chopped
1 head of cauliflower, separated 
Oil of choice
Garlic granules (or 4 cloves fresh garlic)

How To
*Add sweet potatoes and cauliflower to your favorite roasting dish
*Drizzle with oil 
*Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons garlic granules (or smash the fresh garlic cloves and add in)
*Toss ingredients with oil and garlic 
*Roast at 400 degrees for 40 minutes
*Keep ingredients in roasting pan and use a potato masher to smash ingredients together.  Add another drizzle of oil for some additional moisture
*Add 1/4 teaspoon salt 
*Smash everything together well 
*Top with a little cinnamon (optional)
*Serves 4-5
20-Minute Cane-Sugar Free Cranberry Sauce
(my kids ate this up like candy!)

4 cups fresh cranberries
1 cup filtered water
1 sweet red apple, small chop
3 dates, seeded and small chopped 
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/3 cup honey
1 large orange

How To
*In medium sauce pan bring cranberries and water to a boil, stir and turn down to a simmer
*Add apple, honey, dates and briskly stir
*Turn down to low and gently simmer for about 15 minutes 
*Turn off heat and add juice of 1 orange and cinnamon 
*When cool, transfer to fridge until ready to serve
*Top with orange zest
Fig and Walnut Stuffed Acorn Squash 

2 acorn squash
2 cups fresh chopped figs
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and chopped
1 ripe pear, peeled and chopped
1 1/2 cup walnuts, chopped
Oil of choice
3 tablespoons honey
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
pinch of ground ginger 

How To
*Cut squash in half and remove seeds, run oil around inside of squash
*Place face down in baking dish, coated with a little oil 
*Bake at 400 for 30 – 40 minutes (check at 30)
*In sauce pan, add oil, apple, pear, & walnuts, saute or a few minutes
*Add figs and salt, saute for a few minutes
*Add in honey and spices, saute together and cook on low until all ingredients are soft and have combined juices and most of the honey and oil has cooked off.  Turn off and allow to cool a bit before adding to baked squash
*Remove squash from oven when finished and turn over.  Allow to cool face up
*Add mixture to squash
*Serves 4 very hungry folks or up to 8 if each squash half is divided 

Wishing You a Health-full and Happy Thanksgiving
Be Well, Amber 
Shared on: A Gluten-Free Holiday Week 2 – Thanksgiving Favorites
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Labels: cane sugar free, dairy free, egg free, gluten free, sides, soy free, thanksgiving side dishes, vegan.

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kale and Golden Beet Salad with Tahini-Cider Dressing

I really love kale, but it doesn’t love me! Having Crohn’s makes it incredibly hard to digest, which is why I rely on green drinks to get my kale.  The other day I was shopping at our local Coop and perusing the salad deli.  There I spotted a tasty looking raw salad with kale as the base ingredient.  I tried it and just about fell over.  It. Was. Amazing.  So I wrote down the ingredients, ran through the store gathering what I needed, raced home and within an hour I had like 5 lbs of this salad – and I am pleased to say it tasted exactly like the deli version.  I was lucky with my ratios, especially with the dressing.  My daughter loved it and we both enjoyed it for our afternoon snack.  It was so good and I tried not to eat too much.  Although  I can’t go wild on this salad, I enjoy making it for others. I served it as an appetizer that evening for dinner and my husband asked if there was Parmesan cheese in the salad.  Psshare you serious?, I asked him.  I know, I know he replied, it just tastes socheesy.  It really does have a wonderfully complex flavor.  

-1 bunch of kale, chopped (with the large vein removed)
-1 large carrot, grated (I used the shredder on my food processor)
-3 golden beets, grated (same as above)
-1 large green pepper, chopped
-1 bunch of green onions, sliced (use both white & green)
-1/2 cup hemp seeds

-1/4 cup walnut (or oil of choice)
-1/2 cup coconut aminos 
-1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 
-1 tablespoon garlic granules
-1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
-1/2 teaspoon dried basil
-1/2 teaspoon salt 

How To
1.  Mix together the kale, carrot, beets, green pepper, onions & hemp seeds in large bowl  
2.  Add the dressing ingredients to a bowl and mix until thick and emulsified
3.  Pour the entire bowl of dressing onto salad ingredients and mix
4.  Chill salad for about an hour
5.  Pig out

Shared on: Lunchbox Love Friday, Real Food Forager- detox challenge, Summer Salad Sundays, My Birthday Pot Luck Party Friday, Healthy Vegan Fridays, Wellness Weekend , Raw Foods Thursday 
Posted by Amber at

Labels: raw, salad, sides, summer cuisine, vegan, vegetarian.


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