Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Build A Pea/Bean Trellis (during your child's nap)!

(thank you to my 5 1/2 year old daughter for snapping a quick picture of me)

I've had this post ready to go since December, if you can believe it.  I remember this day (December 9th) because it was unseasonably warm.  My snow peas were really taking off and I needed to create a trellis.  My design last year didn't work so well, so I needed a new plan.  I took my son to the lumber yard that morning, purchased a few 1x2 boards, some cotton twine, and drilled this together later that afternoon during his nap.  I can't seem to find the picture of the peas right before I tore them out last week, but they were growing far over the top!  So this simple trellis held the weight of 32 snow pea plants.  And this is an eco-friendly design, no plastic or metal wire used to guide the peas.       
Here are the plants in mid-February:  

-7 1x2 boards
-Cotton twine
-Small saw

How To:

1.  Drill two of the boards onto one side of the bed
2.  Secure the first two boards with a third 1x2
3.  Add two more boards to the opposite side of the bed.
Measure and saw a small piece of board and secure to the end. 
4. Add another long 1x2 to the side
and repeat on the other end: saw & drill to secure
Continue adding cotton twine as the peas grow.  
Shared on: Fat Tuesday, Potluck Party Friday 


  1. gfe--gluten free easilyApril 29, 2012 at 11:37 AM

    I'm convinced now ... you need to have your own television show! I think it should be called, Amber Does It All and So Can You! You're amazing, girlie--love this post and snow peas. :-)


    1. Hi There Shirley,

      You're so funny! I only wish I could do it all! My list is a mile long. :-) I have to say though, I do love working with the drill. My husband bought me one 10 years ago and I was hooked from the get-go. But I'm far too impatient to do any detailed work, so this is where my husband comes in (he's great at those exact measurements). On anything elaborate, we make a good team; I give him the design and he creates it for me. Of course, I'm in there using my drill and help with the dirty work (because it's awesome)! :-)

      Hope you're having a beautiful Sunday sweet friend.


  • You should have a TV show-you do it all! I can barely find time to bake, blog and be a Momma :) Thanks for an awesome post. You have a plethora of yummy vegetables growing in your beautiful yard!

    1. Okay Ladies, you're really too kind. This was so super easy, seriously!! :-)

  • Tessa Domestic DivaApril 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM

    I'll have to take a picture of my pea trellis to share...I don;t have raised beds, so it is a bit different w/ no wood to screw into!

  • I was just talking to my husband this morning about building a trellis for the tomato and basil plants in the front. I need the trellis more for the tomatoes than the basil. Your idea is perfect! How fortunate that I looked at your e-mail today. Thanks.

    1. Thanks Laura! Glad I could provide some inspiration for you. Good luck and happy drilling.

  • That is fantastic!! Perhaps I'll add that to the garden this year. WHat type of seeds did you plant? Are those sugar snap peas?
    Peace and Raw Health,

    1. Thanks Elizabeth,

      The peas above are snow peas. They are so sweet and tender. I've had bad luck with sugar snap peas...super tough? I always have good luck with the snow peas. They are our favorite. :-)



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