Hello and welcome to my “Autoimmune Protocol Page” where I share information and links about The Autoimmune Protocol (also known as The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol or AIP).
The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a diet used to heal autoimmune disease and inflammatory disease. From my research I’ve read that this diet helps heal leaky gut and allows the digestive tract to heal and recover from damage and assaults from certain foods. Some people stay on the AIP for 30 days as an elimination diet (then add other foods back into their diet), others do it long-term to heal chronic disease as a permanent lifestyle change.
Personally, I eat about 80% AIP diet at this time. The other 20% is a mix of paleo and SCD. I feel my absolute best on a diet of organic, pastured meats; soy free eggs; LOTS of vegetables (even starchy vegetables like sweet potatoes); coconut milk and oil, and some fruits.
Here is some information about what foods you can and cannot eat and what foods to eliminate initially and permanently:
Foods to Eliminate Permanently: (1) Processed foods, (2) Grains, (3) Refined oils and sugars, (4) Legumes, and (5) Soy.
Foods to Eliminate for 30 Days: (1) Eggs, (2) Nightshades, (3) Dairy, (3) Nuts, and (4) Seeds, (5) Chocolate.
So for the first 30 days, NO: (1) Processed foods, (2) Grains, (3) Refined oils and sugars, (4) Legumes, (5) Soy, (6) Eggs, (7) Nightshades, (8) Dairy, (9) Nuts, and (10) Seeds, (11) Chocolate.
Links and Resources:
Eileen’s AIP Series
The Paleo Autoimmue Protocol Cookbook
What is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol?
AIP Frequently Asked Questions
5 Mistakes People Make on the AIP
The WHYS Behind AIP
Paleo AIP Grocery List
What are Nightshades?
Paleo AIP Recipe Roundtable – a weekly recipe link party.
You can also find each weekly AIP Roundtable HERE on my Pinterest page.
Popular AIP Blogs:
Phoenix Helix
The Paleo Mom
My Big Fat Grain Free Life
Autoimmune Paleo
Here is a nicely created quick reference guide of foods allowed and not allowed on the diet, created by Mickey of Autoimmune Paleo:
Thanks for sharing all of this AIP info. I have been on AIP for a while now and it has helped me get my severe ulcerative colitis back into remission.
Awesome! Good for you and good luck on your healing journey. 🙂
I am planning to start a 30 day AIP protocol for a few reasons. I know I have a wheat sensitivity. I also know I have leaky gut that I need to heal. Just eliminating wheat has helped, but I still have problems. A big reason is I need to eliminate any food from my diet that causes inflammation as we have a strong history of Parkinson’s in my family – decreasing my inflammation will hopefully decrease my chances of getting it.