Saturday, August 24, 2013

Homemade NUT-Free Nutella

The Nutella you’ll find in the store is made up of 55% refined sugar.  Yep.  There’s dairy in there too, along with soy and yes a few hazelnuts   I wouldn’t call this a health foodor even a healthy choice for breakfast (or any time of the day).  Okay, let’s put this into perspectiveeating Nutella is like eating a milk chocolate bar for, what some would agree, is the most important meal of the day.  Now if that’s your thing, than go on with your bad self, but you know how I feel about cane-sugar, so I say boo to Nutella.  They were actually sued for mislabeling as a “health food.”  Ha ha, I think they considered it healthy because it had a few hazelnuts in there.  I love indulgences as much as the next gal, but I try REALLY hard to make good choices when it comes to food, especially when it comes to my kiddos.  If something can be made at home, I give it a go.  Now Nutella, what is the appeal here really?  It’s chocolate.  It spreads.  It’s sweet.  It’s different…okay, so it’s clearly appealing.  Agreed.  I mean, it’s chocolate in a jar!  So I’ve created a chocolaty, sweet, spreadable, and nut free version that is quite a tasty alternative.  Fun to mix it up for snack time.  Give it a go and let me know what you think.  
Homemade NUT-Free Nutella 

-5 dates
-3 tablespoons raw cacao powder 
-2 tablespoons honey (vegans use grade B maple syrup, coconut nectar, or yacon syrup)
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
-Tiny pinch of salt 

How To:
1.  Seed the dates and soak them in water for 2 to 3 hours. 
2.  Drain the dates (save the date water for smoothies) and add the dates to a food processor with all the other above ingredients.
3.  Blend until well incorporated.  
4.  Store spread in fridge.  Allow it to sit at room temperature for a bit so it softens up.  Makes it easier to spread.   
*If the spread is too thick for you, simply add in some coconut oil (1 tablespoon to start).
*This recipe is also fabulous with carob powder (instead of the cacao)
*Can’t do dates?  Try the same amount of figs or 1 cup of raisins – soak as you would the dates.

Here is a date free version I tried that’s not as creamy, but still delicious and spreadable:

-1/4 cup coconut oil, liquid state 
-1/2 cup homemade sunflower seed butter 
-3 tablespoons raw cacao
-2 tablespoons honey (vegans use grade B maple syrup, coconut nectar, or yacon syrup)
-2 teaspoons vanilla extract 
-Tiny pinch of salt 
(Blend everything in a food processor) 

Here is a picture of this date-free version at room temp.
It gets really firm in the fridge – sort of tastes like fudge

Shared on: My Meatless Monday, Fat Tuesdays, Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays. Allergy-Free Wednesdays, Wellness Weekend, 
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Posted by Amber at

Labels: allergy-friendly, dessert, dips and spreads, nut free, Paleo, snacks.


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