Hello out there.
Anyone else out there suffer from "too-much-on-my-plate-itis?" I could be the poster child for this ailment. Ha ha. I am a high energy, love to be busy, love to be going-going kind of person. I love this about myself and also dislike this about myself. And once in a while life sort of slams into itself and you can totally feel it - like all the pieces are right there up in your face and it's like, "Okay stuff I totally got myself into...back off."
Ever hear of a school auction? Auctions raise money for valued school programs. And planning a school auction is very much like planning a big elaborate wedding. Well, yours truly (along with one other brave parent) is planning/organizing a fundraising auction at my daughter's school. I should get: "What in the hell was I thinking" tattooed on my forehead because that is the phrase running through my brain most of the day. Anyway, this auction is in a few weeks and let's just say I will be glad when it's all over and I hope we make a CRAP load of money! It's my absolute pleasure to run such an important event but in my most naive of moments, I just had no idea how much work was truly involved.
As you might know from reading my blog, I work part time. I recently started a new job and started training two weeks ago (I work at an inpatient psychiatric hospital as a clinical therapist). I love it and love what I do. I work weekends (and will soon also work Friday evenings). So I am with my kiddos during the week and actively involved in their lives and schools (which I also love). But it's never convenient and always exhausting to train at a new job during the week (when I don't work during the week) and have to figure out what to do with, oh yeah, my KIDS! My children are my number one priority, so leaving them during the week is difficult and often stressful. I'm so thankful to live in a small, supportive community where I can rely on friends for help and know that my kids are always safe and cared for.
And everything else that is peppered in between planning an auction, running a home, and training for a new job feels like one thing too many and then the things feel heavy. And yes, it can be worse (it can always be worse, right). Things were worse three weeks ago in fact when my body was like, "Okay, you asked for it" and I was in a gnarly Crohn's flare trying to crawl through the day.
It's like part of me wants to live my life Zen-Monk style and the other part of me wants to live life like a rock star super woman.
(I might be wrong here folks, but these desires are totally incompatible).
So then we have blogging. Blogging is one of my most enjoyable hobbies. Blogging is so much more than just sharing recipes. For me, blogging = friendship, connection, resources, comfort, knowledge, information, empowerment, and validation. Blogging has become so much, MUCH more than sharing recipes. It's hard to explain. Perhaps you understand if you came from a similar place of loneliness with your health issues and lifestyle. I feel quite overcome with emotion when I think about the friendships and connections I've made with people from all over the world (whom I have never met), but people who understand me, share my philosophies on food, live with an autoimmune disease, sacrifice one thing or another for health, have a child with eczema, have a child on an allergy-free diet, care about environmental matters, worry about GMOs, heal their children with herbs, make homemade remedies, fight against chemicals in our food, chemicals in our water, chemicals in our products, etc. Only the internet can bring like minded people together in this way. Without blogging I would miss this vital connection in my life. Blogging has become such an important part of my healing journey.
But as valued as blogging is in my life, it's the first to be crossed off the list when I'm trying to simplify and slowdown. That being said, I am excited to share that when I return in March, The Tasty Alternative will be new and improved. I am working on a blog redesign and switching over to WordPress. I'm jazzed about this change and hope you enjoy some of the new features on this long overdue makeover.
But as valued as blogging is in my life, it's the first to be crossed off the list when I'm trying to simplify and slowdown. That being said, I am excited to share that when I return in March, The Tasty Alternative will be new and improved. I am working on a blog redesign and switching over to WordPress. I'm jazzed about this change and hope you enjoy some of the new features on this long overdue makeover.
Until then, I've included some pictures in this post that make me happy for different and equally random reasons. Most are pictures of family, some from Pinterest and others are inspired quotes.
See ya on the flip side.
My kids playing "cat family."
Ethan is the baby and Sky is the mama (cat).
So sweet.
See ya on the flip side.
My kids playing "cat family."
Ethan is the baby and Sky is the mama (cat).
So sweet.
Sky building a fairy house out of mud and rocks
Rain finally!!
my snow peas growing and loving the rain
The bulbs we planted in November blooming way too soon
(due to our previous spring-like winter weather)
Ethan chowing down on his 5th piece of
garden fresh chard
OMG! This turtle is so freaking cute!
Get in my belly...
(I feel the same way about strawberries little dude)
happy place
arm candy
how cute is this little drink cozy
another happy place
Sisters in the City.
A visit with my sister in San Francisco in December
I like these words...
See ya...