Monday, April 30, 2012

Monthly Round-Up: Mother's Day Edition

Happy early Mother's Day to all the loving women who care for, not only children, but for so many other people and creatures in their lives.  To the nurturers, the providers, the bearers.  To everyone who loves a mother and to everyone who has felt the love of a mother.    

Sweet Indulgence 

Mandarin Chocolate Truffles
From: Danielle @ Against All Grain 

Allergy-Free Strawberry Cupcakes 
From: Cybele The Allergy-Friendly Cook 

Sugar-Free Orange Goji Chocolates 
From Ricki @ Diet, Dessert and Dogs 

Strawberry Basil Ice Cream
From: Rawmazing 


Petite Slaw of Celeriac, Broccoli Sprouts, Meyer Lemon & Thyme
From: Golubka 

Almond Butter and Jam Sandwich Cookies
From: Sarah @ My New Roots 

Sesame Almond Crackers 
From: Maggie @ She Let Them Eat Cake 

From: Amber @ The Tasty Alternative 

Dark Chocolate Biscotti
From: Laura @ Gluten Free Pantry


Frozen Watermelon Margaritas
From: Shirley @ Gluten Free Easily 

Oven Baked Chimichangas
From Tessa @ Tessa The Domestic Diva

Mango Walnut Salad
From: Green Kitchen Stories  

Herb Roasted Chicken with Truffled Cauliflower Mash 
From: Coco @ Roost 

Vegetarian Fajitas 
From: Kalinda @ Meat Free, Wheat Free 

Rosemary and Garlic Bread Rolls
From: Vicky @ Gluten Free, SCD and Veggie

Homemade Gifts

From: Amber @ The Tasty Alternative 

Nourishing Homemade Sugar Scrub 
From: Adrienne @ Whole New Mom

Mint Julep Masque
From: Beth @ My Plastic Free Life 

From Amber @ The Tasty Alternative 

Raw-licious Lemon Cookies (SCD Friendly)

After I made my raw carrot cake cookies (inspired by these), one of my readers inquired about the lemon cookies.  I'm not sure if you're familiar with these raw cookies, but you can check them out here.  They popped up in my Coop a few months ago.  I tried the carrot cake cookies first and was shocked by their deliciousness,  but the price tag is rather discouraging ($6 per bag - and it's a tiny bag folks).  I was successful in making the carrot cookies at home.  Naturally, the lemon cookies have been on my mind.  So a few weeks ago I made a batch and they were outrageously good, the perfect burst of lemon with all the benefits of a raw, live food.  These differ in one respect from the store bought variety, they aren't a crunchy cookie.  They are soft, but equally wonderful.  I like them both ways, and I have to tell you, the flavor is spot on.  So if you've tried these, and love them, try making them at home (this batch yields 60-70 cookies depending on how big or small you make them)!  And you might be able to get that crunch if you dehydrate longer.  I made both cookies and balls with this batch.  And by the way, my kids...LOVE these.  What a super healthy snack.  I'm making these next!
-14 dates, pitted and soaked in filtered water until soft (the soaking time will depend on how soft or hard your dates are to begin with.  I usually soak mine for 6 hours or until super soft)
-4.5 ounces unsweetened shredded coconut (1 cup)
-1 cup sesame seeds (soaked for 10 hours)
-1/2 teaspoon lemon flavor (or to taste, start with 1/4 tsp)
-1 teaspoon lemon zest

How To
1.  In food processor fitted with the s-blade, add dates and blend into a paste. Add in lemon flavor, blend.   
2.  In another bowl, add coconut, well drained sesame seeds, and lemon zest.  Mix well. 
3.  Add date mixture to coconut, sesame seeds, and lemon zest and with clean hands, mix well. 
4.  Form into little cookies or balls.
5.  Place in your dehydrator (on a mesh fitting) and dehydrate at 105 degrees for 24 hours (or more).  Crank it up to 135 degrees for the last hour. I know this sounds like a long time, but this low temperature really preserves all the beneficial nutrients.  I have no idea how these would work in the oven, but please let me know if you try.  


*I put my dehydrator in the laundry room and just forget about it.  
*If making the balls, dehydrate 105 degrees for 12-15 hours.  They will be soft and chewy.  

Shared on: Just Another Meatless Monday, Melt in your Mouth Mondays, Monday Mania, Ruth's Real Food 101 (Mondays), Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays, Traditional Tuesdays, Fat Tuesdays, Kids in the Kitchen, Real Food Wednesdays, Allergy-Free Wednesdays, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Whole Food Wednesdays, Full Plate Thursday, Pennywise Platter, Simple Lives Thursday, It's a Keeper Thursday, Wellness Weekend, Raw Foods Thursday, Fresh Bites Friday, Freaky Friday, Fight Back Friday, Friday Food, Lunch Box Love Fridays,  Feed Your Soul Friday, Allergy Friendly Friday, Superfood Sunday 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

How To Build A Pea/Bean Trellis (during your child's nap)!

(thank you to my 5 1/2 year old daughter for snapping a quick picture of me)

I've had this post ready to go since December, if you can believe it.  I remember this day (December 9th) because it was unseasonably warm.  My snow peas were really taking off and I needed to create a trellis.  My design last year didn't work so well, so I needed a new plan.  I took my son to the lumber yard that morning, purchased a few 1x2 boards, some cotton twine, and drilled this together later that afternoon during his nap.  I can't seem to find the picture of the peas right before I tore them out last week, but they were growing far over the top!  So this simple trellis held the weight of 32 snow pea plants.  And this is an eco-friendly design, no plastic or metal wire used to guide the peas.       
Here are the plants in mid-February:  

-7 1x2 boards
-Cotton twine
-Small saw

How To:

1.  Drill two of the boards onto one side of the bed
2.  Secure the first two boards with a third 1x2
3.  Add two more boards to the opposite side of the bed.
Measure and saw a small piece of board and secure to the end. 
4. Add another long 1x2 to the side
and repeat on the other end: saw & drill to secure
Continue adding cotton twine as the peas grow.  
Shared on: Fat Tuesday, Potluck Party Friday 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Butterfly Garden

 Looking to attract more beautiful butterflies to your yard?  Here are just a few popular butterfly flowers.  Bees love these too, so expect any and all sorts of bright flower, pollen loven' insects!


Attracting Butterflies 
The Butterfly Website 
Eight Popular Butterfly Flowers 

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