Award #3:
The Food Stories Award

My nomination for The Food Stories Award:
Farty Girl
When I received this award I immediately knew which blogger I wanted to nominate. She's one of my favorite bloggers with food stories that can make me both sink deep into thought or laugh out loud. I love her honest, authentic posts that are generally a mix of healthy recipes, thoughts on life, what she's struggling with and/or conquering, and of course, toots. It's Farty Girl my friends, and if you haven't had the pleasure of visiting her blog, you must do so. I greatly admire her unwavering dedication to healing her IBS, and her journey to find the best balance of all things health. She also reminds me of some of my closest "real life" friends, so I can't help lovin' this girl. So thank you Farty Girl for always inspiring me, and sharing your smart, fun and REAL stories on love, life, food (and toots).
If you're so inclined:
Here’s how it works:
- The nominee should visit the award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/) and leave a comment indicating that they have been nominated and by whom. (This step is so important because it’s the only way our judges will know who is being considered for the monthly award).
- The Nominee should thank the person that nominated them by posting on their own blog & including a link to their blog.
- The Nominee should include a courtesy link back to the official award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/) in their blog post.
- Share one random thing about yourself in your blog post.
- Select at least five other bloggers that you enjoy reading their stories and nominate them for the award. Include these nominees in your blog post. Many people indicate that they wish they could nominate more so please feel free to nominate all your favorites.
- Notify your nominees by leaving a comment on their blog, including a link to the award site (http://foodstoriesblog.com/food-stories-award/).
Food Stories has put together a phenomenal team of judges to review all nominees and to select a Food Stories Award Winner for each month.
IMPORTANT … In order to be considered for the monthly award, you must fulfill each of the listed steps above. After your site is reviewed and all the steps have been followed then the site will be added to the “official” nominee page for entry into the monthly giveaway. Please feel free to comment below or if you have any questions/comments.
You're so sweet, Thanks Amber:) You definitely deserve it! And I just checked out Farty Girl, and LOVED her blog! I'm going to go out and buy a yoga DVD today after reading her post! Thanks for introducing us to her! Have a great afternoon!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Amber!!! You are a sweetheart!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's the blogpost where I thank you and nominate the next pal.
hope you are having a great week!